Class 1 - Machines, Computer, Mouse, Keyboard, Tux Paint, Kidlo
Class 2 - Places where computers use, computer devices, Windows, WordPad, Paint, Kidlo
Class 3 - Working of computer, Windows 10, Files & Folders, MS Paint, RoboMind, Blockly, Scratch, Kodu
Introduction to MS Word
MS Word- Formatting Your Document
MS Word: Planning the Document
MS Word Tools
MS Word: Tables and Graphics
Mail Merge with MS Word
Introduction to MS PowerPoint
PowerPoint Graphics
MS PowerPoint: Multimedia
Advanced PowerPoint: Slide Transitions, Animations, Action Buttons
History of Computers
Windows GUI Settings
Computer Data
MS Excel: Electronic Spreadsheet
Working with MS Excel
MS Excel: Basic Data Operations
Data Visualization in Excel
Excel: Cell Referencing and Automatic Calculations
Block Coding with Scratch
Scratch – Variables and Decision-Making
Scratch Programming
Introduction to RDBMS
Working with RDBMS
Cybercrime & Security
Handshake with Python
Programming with Python
Programming in Python
Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Domains of Artificial Intelligence
Build Webpages Using HTML
HTML Attributes and Text Formatting
HTML Images, Hyperlinks and Tables
HTML Lists and Forms
Animation Basics with TupiTube
Character Animation using Animate
Video Editing with shortcut
Image Processing with GIMP
Photoshop Basics
Introduction to Internet
Internet Browsing
Online Communication
E-Commerce and social media
Data Representation
Coding Skills with Kodu Game Lab
Computer Languages and Pseudocode
App Design with MIT App Inventor
Program Design with Algorithms and Flowchart